vision therapy in Telangana | Dofollow Social Bookmarking Sites 2016
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Vision therapy is a program that aims to improve a person's visual abilities. It uses a variety of ways such as eye exercises, testing, occlusion lenses and prisms to treat a range of visual problems.

Vision therapy works by providing visual experiences that are different from what the brain is accustomed to , which in turn helps to rewire neural connections, creating new pathways in the brain & strengthening existing ones. It's not just "eye exercises" the goal of vision therapist not to strengthen eye muscles, your eye muscles are incredibly strong and the vision problems. Vision therapy aims to treat are rarely caused by muscle weakness.

A vision therapy program for a child with ASD ( Autism spectrum disorder ) will facilitate improved visual processing, enabling them to better understand their surroundings , pointing to figures, representing feelings, actions, or objects can help to show their desires or needs and children with autism may also be more likely to have vision problems than typical Children are.

Children with autism suffer disproportionately with vision problems but unfortunately, often go undiagnosed for years.


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